
Saturday, October 15, 2011

A day with Annie

What an amazing weather we are having these past two days, I really hope that it stays put. With all the sunshine and warm weather it was quite naturally that I ventured outside to enjoy the day.

Around lunch time I went to David Jones to be pampered by a make-up artist in gold and green.

I met up with Annie to spend the day having lots of fun, since her Birthday was coming up.

We had a look around the QVB and Annie got some adorable rings. I have the same ones. :)

People took advantage of the weather and some couples were lucky to have this as their day...

Annie and me decided to change the setting from high-rised skyscrapers to China Town.

As we were hungry, a stop at a Taiwanese restaurant was necessary. I had a steamed veg bun.

While Annie had a soy bean jelly with red-beans. It tasted better than what it looks like.

We also shared a Leek Cake, which was just delicious.

Afterwards we headed to Paddy's Market to find some bargains.

Once we had eased our hearts with shopping we took the bus to Circular Quay.

Radiance of the Sea, a massive cruise ship, took up half of the harbour and was very impressive.

Since we still had plenty of time before heading off to the restaurant that was booked...

...we sat down to enjoy the warmth of the sun and the fresh sea breeze. Life was good.

A 6 ó clock we joined a company of Annie's friends and went to Appetito.

We ordered 3 different pizzas and some amazing Ciabatta with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Combining great food and interesting conversation about the present and the future was a great way to end a beautiful evening with wonderful company.

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