
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Let every winter be like this

Guess what...I finally received my luggage 2 days ago, about time I would say. I was completely over the moon about it. Things are starting to settle down for me, well apart from this annoying cold that I've got.
Yesterday was quite a nice summer's ehh I mean winter's day. It was sunny and apparently it even got to be up to +20C. During lunch I got back from a short introduction at the university (photos coming) and enjoyed the sun in the garden.

Living in Ashfield is quite a joy, especially when I'm living in a beautiful late 19th century house.

Everything is quite exotic around here. Gosh I wish I could have winters like this back home.

This is more like spring to me. Flowers during winter is not something you see every day...well not in Sweden at least.

I can only imagine what it will be like in spring. But to make the most of the day, I decided to have lunch on the porch.

One can never go wrong with an omelette, toast and yummy broccoli.
Next up was a visit to the Royal Botanical Garden, but you'll hear more of that in my next post.

See you in while.

1 comment:

  1. lunch with omelette, toast and broccoli....hahaha...thought u didn't have the same dishes in dinner...
